European long-distance path E11 – From Potsdam to Nikolassee
This tour starts at Potsdam Central Station (Lange Brücke exit) and leads along the Havel through Nuthepark to Babelsberger Park. Here it is worthwhile to plan a little more time, because many small paths invite you to discover and linger. The official hiking trail follows the banks of the Havel to the Teltow Canal to Klein Glienicke. Architecturally exciting villas adorn the northern bank of the Griebnitzsee. The E11 leads briefly through the settlement and continues on riverside and forest paths. You later cross the Griebnitz Canal and reach the Düppeler Forest. The wide Kurfürstenweg leads through the forest to the Wannsee. The ideal place for a break. Freshly strengthened, you continue through a settlement to the roe deer meadows - a drained soil depression. Quietly you can hear the noises of the Nikolassee S-Bahn station, the destination of the stage.
Tourist Attractions:
Island Freundschaftsinsel
Flatowturm Tower
Courthouse Arcade
Babelsberg Palace and Garden
Bridge Hubertusbrücke
Nikolassee Church
Distance/ duration: 15 km / 4 hours
Start: Potsdam Central Station
Destination: Nikolassee S-Bahn station
Getting there:
by bicycle (a service of komoot GmbH)
by public transport (a service of VBB)
by train (a service of Bahn AG)
All about local traffic
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